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PENGALAMAN ORGANISASI YANG PERNAH DIIKUTI Setiap orang mempunyai pengalaman organisasi sendiri. Saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya dalam berorganisasi. Sebelum menceritakan tentang pengalaman saya dalam berorganisasi, ada baiknya jika saya jelaskan terlebih dahulu apa yang dimaksud dengan organisasi itu. Menurut Wikipedia organisasi adalah sekelompok orang dalam suatu wadah untuk tujuan bersama. Tapi, menurut para ahli Chester I. Bernard berpendapat bahwa organisasi adalah merupakan suatu sistem aktivitas kerja sama yang dilakukan oleh dua orang atau lebih. Sedangkan menurut saya organisasi adalah sekelompok orang atau individu dimana mereka mempunyai suatu tujuan yang sama untuk mendapatkan hal baru didalamnya. Dengan kita mengikuti organisasi kita belajar menghargai pendapat orang lain, memahami dan menghargai sifat orang lain, belajar mengemukakan pendapat, belajar untuk menjadi dewasa, berjiwa kepemimpinan, mendapat wawasan, menambah pengalaman, belajar mandiri dan mas...

Need Analysis in Reality at Azzahra Education Center Tutoring Padang Panjang

FINAL PROJECT OF TEACHING LANGUAGE CURRICULUM NEEDS ANALYSIS Lecturer :   Ms. Absharini Kardena, M.Pd Compiled by : Elsy Mardhatillah         ( 2317087 ) ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF TEACHING FACULTY IAIN BUKITTINGGI 2019 CHAPTER I THEORY OF NEEDS ANALYSIS A.     Introduce of Needs Analysis One of the basic assumptions of curriculum development is that a sound educational program should be based on an analysis of learners' needs. Procedures used to collect information about learners' needs are known as needs analysis. Needs analysis as a distinct and necessary phase in planning educational programs emerged in the 1960s as part of the systems approach to curriculum development and was part of the prevalent philosophy of educational accountablity (Stufflebeam, McCormick, Brinkerhoff, and Nelson 1985). If providers of training programs wanted public or other sources of...

Identifying Errors in Translating English Discourse of Fifth Semester Students English Education Department at IAIN Bukittinggi

ELSY MARDHATILLAH (2317087) PBI 5 C Ms. Agseora Ediyen, M.Hum Writing For Academic Purpose 13 Desember 2019 Identifying Errors in Translating English Discourse of Fifth Semester Students English Education Department at IAIN Bukittinggi Translation is defined in many ways and may be understood differently by people. By the people who are not translators, translation is seen as a text, but by the translators, it is seen as an "activity". Translation is mastery in transferring written message from one language into written message of another language (Newmark 1981: 7).


Kuliah itu seperti apa ya? Menyenangkan tidak? Penting atau tidak? Kuliah itu menurut saya adalah bagaimana kita dituntut untuk mandiri. Hanya dengan kuliah saja tidak menjamin kita bisa mampu mengerjakan tugas dan mendapat nilai bagus saat ujian.

How to make a video in Windows Movie Maker

Windows  Movie Maker  is the video  editing  program that is included with Windows XP.


If you are still confused with Simple Past Tense and Simple Past Continious Tense, please listen to my explanation on the side :) Happy Learning Gaesss :D

How to Make a Paper?

How to Make a Paper 1. Determine the Theme / Discussion Topic In making a paper, the first thing you have to do is determine the theme or topic you want to discuss.

Paper Structure

Paper Structure After knowing the understanding and various types of papers, it's time you start to recognize the various stages in making a paper. However, before going to the process of how to make a paper, it helps you know in advance what the structure is like so that you can easily prepare later. What are the paper structures? 1. Cover Cover is the cover of a paper that contains the title, logo, identity of the author, as well as the place and year of publication. For the cover, you should write using the rules of center (center) so that the cover looks more presentable.

Types Of Paper

Types of Papers 1. Scientific Papers Scientific paper is a paper that discusses a problem from the results of scientific studies. The contents of this type of paper should not be solely based on opinions or opinions that are subjective.